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Refresh webcombo on Ultrawebgid by a cell button


On the Ultrawebgrid, for each row, I have a cell is a webcombo, and a cellbutton next to it.

Because the data is extremely large (over 400K), the type ahead on webcombo is not a feasible as it is impossible to load 400K data on initial stage. So, we implemented the solution to let users typing the partial string on the webcomo and have a cellbutton to invoke to initialize the datasource on the webcombo. The ultrawebgrid is bounded by the webasyncpanel so only the grid will be refreshed when the data is updated to the database.

My question is how am I able to trigger the webcombo to refresh the data when I click on cellbutton without having the page begin refresh. I am struggling if I should do it in client-side javascript, or server side. Can I use the client-side ultrawebgrid_CellbuttonClick to force the webcombo to refresh the data?




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    in our application to load a control dynamically, we have used client side scripting javascript..this will help the user not to post to the server all the time when the input or the value changes...

    the other way around is use ajax...but the drawback in using ajax is that will reduce the performance as such when you try to load a huge amount of data. but the user point of view javascript and ajax, i suggest its the best.... see gmail for use of javascript and ajax.

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