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Multiple WebGrids inside WebPanels do not re-locate properly on panel collapse/expand

We have two WebPanels, each of which contain one Hierarchical WebGrid.  When the page initially loads, the panels and grids are programmatically added through use of a PlaceHolder control.  The controls are loaded fine, each in their correct locations (screenshot 1).

We have noticed some odd behaviour when we do any of the following:

  1. Expand of the rows within the top-most Hierarchical WebGrids
    1. This results in the grid expanding as it should, but the height of the containing WebPanel does not expand.  The panel containing the 2nd grid does not move down and the location of the 2nd grid does not change so it appears just below the 1st grid (screenshot 2).
    2. Expanding or collapsing any of the rows in the lower grid has the desired effect.
    3. NOTE:  Clicking on the scroll-bar that appears causes the 2nd grid to change into the correct location within the 2nd WebPanel.  Once this has happened, if the row in the 1st grid is then collapsed, the 2nd WebPanel moves correctly but the 2nd WebGrid does not (screenshot 3).
  2. Expand or collapse the top-most WebPanel
    1. This results in the top-most WebPanel collapsing properly, the 2nd WebPanel shifts up as it should, but the 2nd WebGrid does not move with it (screenshot 4).
    2. NOTE:  Clicking to expand/collapse any of the rows within the 2nd WebGrid causes it to pop back up into the WebPanel where it should be

I have tried swapping the WebPanel out for a JQuery panel and the same issues occur, so I'm beginning to think that it's an issue with the WebGrid... I have verified that each of the panel and grid controls have a unique ID on the page, so I'm pretty sure it's not an issue with how they're being added to the placeHolder.

We are using Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol 3 CLR 3.5 and are currently unable to upgrade to any newer version.

Any assistance/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

(it will only let me attach one screenshot at a time, so my following posts will be the remaining screenshots)