Is it possible to remove measures from "columns/rows" section in data selector?
I would like to set them visible in section "1" (under "measures" tree node) but I would like to remove them from section "2":
Based on your questions I've found the problem. It was my fault. Thanks for your help!
Hello,What you mean saying you have changed the DataSource?Can you check:1. If you apply new instance as data source then are you listening for PropertyChanged event of the new instance?2. Are you assign the new data source to both pivot grid and selector?
I found one problem when I'm changing pivot DataSource (with the same metadata). After change DataSource.PropertyChanged fires two times:1st) e.PropertyName == "MeasureGroup" - I can modify Metadata[0] 2nd) e.PropertyName == "Cube" - I can't modify Metadata (it is empty).Result - when pivot DataSource changed, measures in DataSelector are visible again.
Ok, I found it. Your example is good enough :)
Is it possible to do this "automatically"? How can I get all measures from DataSource?