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XamTimeLine Height and Label Customization


I am working on XamTimeLine and trying to reduce the height of Scene.
I tried in different ways  by setting the height property directly and Setting the Scene height peroperty in Scene Style and setting the Date Time Axis height property. But I am not getting what I need.

Could you please help me in this.

And also trying to display the labels on the above DateTime Axis, Please let me know if it is possible or not.

Thanks in Advance,
Sudheer CV.

  • 895


    When you add series to the xamTimeline you can set their position:
    <ig:NumericTimeSeries Position="TopOrLeft | BottomOrRight" ...
    <id:DateTimeSeries Position="TopOrLeft | BottomOrRight" ...

    The position is relative to the Axis. In your case, if all your series are on top of the Axis, you might want to collapse the empty space under the Axis - this is done by editing the Scene template.
    In the default Scene template the root element is a Grid with Row Definitions:
    <RowDefinition Height="*" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <RowDefinition Height="*" />
    Change the last Row Definition's Height from * to 0 - this will hide the area under the Axis.
    Here is a screenshot of the result:
    About the height of the Scene, can you give some additional information on what you want to accomplish.