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Problem using multiple XamDialogWindows

I create a XamDialogWindow in code, add its Content, and then add the dialog it to my LayoutRoot.Children. When the XamDialogWindow is closed, I use the WindowStateChanged event to remove the XamDialogWindow from my LayoutRoot.Children when the WindowState is hidden.

When I do this a second time (based on user input), two XamDialogWindows show up, even though the first one is no longer in my Layout.Root.Children.

I'm starting to guess there may be a single XamDialogWindow manager/controller working behind the scenes to defeat the behavior I'm looking for. 

I'd really like to have more than one modless XamDialogWindow at a time, and not have to reuse a single instance.

Thanks for any help.

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    Put this on hold -- I think I might have my own event handling issues creating this problem, so I don't want anyone to waste their time if it is really my issue.

    I'm not sure if I know how to mark this as answered.

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