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Cambiar la visualizacíon del mapa entre dos valores


I have a map that reads the information from the SQL Server.

Get from the database to represent 2 values.

Clik Using a listbox, I want to be shown on the map with the value 1 or the value 2. The ultimate goal is to display the same as when you load the map the first time (by default with the value 1)

Like the example # / Samples / Map / BindingWCFDataFilteringSource

If I do as an example, does not load any data.

If I do it with the following code, the map changes but does not display any data:

 Private Sub OnDataChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SelectionChangedEventArgs)
        Dim ItemSeleccionado As ListBoxItem = sender.SelectedItem
        Dim TextoSeleccionado As String = ItemSeleccionado.Tag.ToString
        Dim converter As New DataMapping.Converter()

        Select Case TextoSeleccionado
            Case "Facturacion"

                Dim sqlReader As SqlShapeReader = TryCast(xamMap.Layers("CapaAutonimias").Reader, SqlShapeReader)
                sqlReader.DataMapping = TryCast(converter.ConvertFromString("Data=geom;Name=NAME_1; Caption=NAME_1;Value=ValorF"), DataMapping)
                xamMap.Layers("CapaAutonimias").Reader = sqlReader
                xamMap.Layers("CapaAutonimias").ToolTip = "{}{Name}: Facturación {Value:n0} €"

            Case "Ventas"
                Dim sqlReader As SqlShapeReader = TryCast(xamMap.Layers("CapaAutonimias").Reader, SqlShapeReader)
                sqlReader.DataMapping = TryCast(converter.ConvertFromString("Data=geom;Name=NAME_1; Caption=NAME_1;Value=ValorV"), DataMapping)
                xamMap.Layers("CapaAutonimias").Reader = sqlReader
                xamMap.Layers("CapaAutonimias").ToolTip = "{}{Name}: Ventas {Value:n0} Uds"
        End Select


  • 3255
    Suggested Answer

    Hi jcsanchezr,

    MapLayer Reader's DataMapping is used in the process of mapping your objects to MapElements and changing if after that will not have any effect. As a workaround the following:

    1. Set Reader's DataMapping in XAML or code behind:

     DataMapping="Value=ValorF; Value2=ValorV"

     2. In OnDataChanged iterate all map elements and set the new value

    foreach (var element in xamMap.Layers[0].Elements)
     //Case "Ventas"
     element.Value = Convert.ToDouble(element.GetProperty("Value2"));
     //Case "Facturacion"
     element.Value = Convert.ToDouble(element.GetProperty("Value"));


    Ivan Kotev