I use a column chart and I want to remove all the blank fields between the columns and the blank field between the first column and left edge of GridArea.
I use the following codes to implement this:
this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].AutoRange = false; this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].Maximum = 10.5; this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].Minimum = 0.5; this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].Unit = 1; this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].RangeFromZero = false;
this.xamWebChart1.Series[0].ChartParameters.Add(new ChartParameter(ChartParameterType.PointWidth, 1.25));
But the label position under the columns are incorrect now. Each label is supposed to be under the corresponding column and in middle("Label0" is supposed to be in the red-edged rectangle as in the picture). How can I fix it? I atttached my program.
I believe its not intended for the category series to support non integer minimum and maximum values. So that method of eliminating the spacing at the edges of the series will not work for you. The correct method would be to set the minimum value to 1 and the maximum value to the number of points in your series, but in the case of the column series, this will cut off half of the first and the last column. This chart was designed to have the padding at the edges of the series for this type of reason.
I would recommend making a feature request to allow for some method to remove the margin around a column series.
Hope this helps!
I think it is a bug. If Infragistics provides the methods to move the columns, it should also move the label under it as well.