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Column chart label position


I use a column chart and I want to remove all the blank fields between the columns and the blank field between the first column and left edge of GridArea.

I use the following codes to implement this:

            this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].AutoRange = false;
            this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].Maximum = 10.5;
            this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].Minimum = 0.5;
            this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].Unit = 1;
            this.xamWebChart1.Axes[0].RangeFromZero = false;

            this.xamWebChart1.Series[0].ChartParameters.Add(new ChartParameter(ChartParameterType.PointWidth, 1.25));

But the label position under the columns are incorrect now. Each label is supposed to be under the corresponding column and in middle("Label0" is supposed to be in the red-edged rectangle as in the picture). How can I fix it? I atttached my program.

