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XamWebChart Multiple Series Result in Warning


I have two series in the same xamWebChart (line graph) and both series have markers.  I noticed that sometimes when I load data onto this chart, I will get this really obscure error which forces me to resize the chart and it correctly shows the two data lines after.  So I was wondering what is causing this error and how do I fix it?

<igChart:XamWebChart x:Name="m_weekMonthGraph" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0" Grid.Row="0">
                <igChart:Legend Visibility="Collapsed" />
                        <igChart:GridArea BorderThickness="0" Background="#00ffffff" />
                <igChart:Series x:Name="m_driverSeries" ChartType="Line" DataSource="{Binding DriverIdlingDisplayStats}"
                                Fill="{Binding Source={StaticResource m_red3DBrush}}">
                        <igChart:Marker Type="Circle" Foreground="Transparent" Fill="Maroon" MarkerSize="5" />
                <igChart:Series x:Name="m_fleetSeries" ChartType="Line" DataSource="{Binding FleetIdlingDisplayStats}"
                                Fill="{Binding Source={StaticResource m_blue3DBrush}}">
                        <igChart:Marker Type="Rectangle"  Foreground="Transparent" Fill="Navy" MarkerSize="5" />
                <igChart:Axis Name="AxisX" AxisType="PrimaryX" Unit="5">
                        <igChart:LabelGroup Angle="45" />
                <igChart:Axis Name="AxisY" AxisType="PrimaryY" Stroke="#58FFFFFF" Visibility="Visible" StrokeThickness="0" AutoRange="True">
                        <igChart:GridlineGroup Visibility="Collapsed"/>
                        <igChart:GridlineGroup Visibility="Collapsed"/>
                        <igChart:TickMarkGroup StrokeThickness="1"/>

  • 245
    Verified Answer

    If anyone else has this issue. Turns out when you have a custom control as a tooltip instead of the System.Windows.Control.ToolTip, it'll throw this error when you have multiple series.

    So on each of my datapoints, I just wrap my custom control.



    public ToolTip IdlingToolTip


    get {

    if (m_idlingToolTip == null)

    m_idlingToolTip = new ToolTip() { Content = new CustomIdlingToolTip() };

    return m_idlingToolTip;

