I am using the grid and I have a number of unbound columns...
This only happens while the grid has grouping enabled, when I change a value of a cell it throws this error....
I can give more information if needed, I am going to try to throw together a condensed version to recreate it and I'll upload it here if need be. But I just wanted to see if there was an idea of what's wrong. I can't debug it because the exception happens inside an infragistic assembly.
Please let me know what could be wrong, thanks in advance.
From the Stack Trace, i'm not really sure whats going on, so if you're able to provide a sample, that'd be really helpful.
I have created a replication....
Expand a group and start checking and unchecking check boxes...
You will get the exception in about 2-3 clicks
There was no specific reason why I had that set to AfterFilteringAndPaging.... This looks like it solves the problem changing it to PriorTo.... I will be looking into updating 10.3 to utilize the new tools you have provided. Thanks for your help, looks like my problem is solved.
Thanks again sir.
For your SumCalculator you're setting the SummaryExecution to AfterFilteringAndPaging, but you neither have Filtering or Paging on.
I'd recommend setting it to: PriorToFilteringAndPaging, have you tried this?
Or is there a specific reason you're setting it to "After"?
Steve,I have to use unbound columns and the summaries I have implemented DOwork. In this example, I have done a little hard coding but if you expand the groupand run the SUM summary initially it works. However, on CellExitingEdit event when I call the e.Cell.Row.Manager.RefreshSummaries(), it evaluates the SUM = 0....I do have a license for 10.3 but I don't have time to make major changes right now, but will down the road.For now I just need this summary update to work.I have attached my latest slimmed down demo.Please let me know.
So the sample your provided before won't allow summaries, at least default summaries, b/c you're using UnboundColumns.
Can you attach your new sample?
Also, do you have a license for 10.3? B/c if so, you might want to upgrade b/c we added support for indexers. Which means you no longer have to create UnboundColumns for supporting fields such as "Cells[0].Value"
Instead, you would just set the key of a TextBoxColumn or CheckBoxColumn to "Cells[0].Value" or "Cells[1].Value"
Then you'll get a bunch of features for free, such as Sorting, GroupBy,Filtering, and Summaries.
Ok with my same example, I got the latest service release, I enabled my Add Summation on the second column. Initially it sums up correctly. But after I make a change it evaluates the sum = 0;
I made one change to my code....
private void XamGrid_CellExitedEditMode(object sender, CellExitedEditingEventArgs e) { e.Cell.Row.Manager.RefreshSummaries(); }