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XamGrid UnboundColumn update



I created a solution with XamGrid, xaml example:

<Grids:XamGrid x:Name="grid" Height="100"  AutoGenerateColumns="False"

 ItemsSource="{Binding Collection,Mode=OneWay}"   >


                <Grids:TextColumn Key="Name" />

                <Grids:UnboundColumn Key="UnbColumn"

ValueConverter="{StaticResource UnboundConverter}" >




I have a converter that must calculate output value by some fields of value object.

Converter's code:

public class UnboundConverter : IValueConverter


        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)


            var testClass = value as TestClass;


            if(testClass != null)


                return testClass.UnbColumn;


            return null;



        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)


            throw new NotImplementedException();



Collection is ObservableCollection<>.

TestClass is a simple class wich has 2 string fields.

Than, if I try change some element in collection like this:

Collection[0].Name = "newName";

Collection[0].UnbColumn = "newValue";

After that, value in column "Name" is change, but value in column "UnbColumn " still not change.


So, what I should do to change value on UnboundColumn?


Alexey Lukyanov