I want to remove the rectangle on the left side of XamMenu popup(see attachment, the rectangle with red line around it). I create a copy of the default style of the XamMenuItem and set it to the XamMenuItem and in the control template part of that style, I change the IconPlace' width to zero as following:
<ContentPresenter x:Name="MenuItemPresenter" Opacity="1" Visibility="Visible"> <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition x:Name="IconPlace" Width="0"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
, because i believe the IconPlace is the place where the rectangle stands. But it doesn't work, the rectangle is still there. How can I remove the rectangle or change its appearance, for example, set the rectangle to be transparent?
it works! Thank you very much.
In MenuItem's template, there's a Border placed inside a Popup that you'll need to remove:
Hope this helps,