I put two WARPs on one ascx page, in one WARP I put a linkbutton there and on sever side button onclick handler I put codes to register a block of script which will get running after the linkbutton onclick event gets fired. But the piece of javascript codes seems cannot get fired anyway. Please see below code snip:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "StartExportKey", "<script language='javascript'> alert('testing'); </script>", true);
Any suggestion would be high appreciated.
Hi Mark,
If you want to execute javascript after async response of warp, then you should register those codes with CallBackManager or add them as a literal control to warp.
Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.CallBackManager.AddScriptBlock(this, null, "alert('async response');");
LiteralControl c = new LiteralControl("<script language='javascript'>alert('async response');</script>");this.Warp1.Controls.Add(c);