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How to make XamComboEditor popup width dependent?

Normally, a XamComboEditor popup's width is as same as the XamComboEditor's. If I change the style of  XamComboEditor and set the MinWidth of the popup as following:

<Popup x:Name="Popup" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" IsOpen="False" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" >
                                    <Border x:Name="RootPopupElement"
                                                       MinWidth="500" ....

, the popup will be wider than the XamComboEditor. But when a item in popup has a very long content, the popup still cannot show the whole content, and a horizontal scroll bar will show. I want that the popup always shows the whole content of each item and the horizontal scroll bar never shows (the popup width depends on the combo item content.) How can I make this happen?

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    Verified Answer

    I finally found a solution by myself :-)

    Firstly, bind the MinWidth of the popup with the Tag property of XamComboEditor by setting:

    <Popup x:Name="Popup" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" IsOpen="False" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" >
                                        <Border x:Name="RootPopupElement"
                                                MinWidth="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent},Mode=OneWay,Path=Tag}" ....

    Secondly, each time after xamComboEditor1.ItemsSource is set, investigate every item in the ItemsSource, find out how wide a textblock should be to show the whole content of the item and set the maximum of the item widthes to the Tag property of xamComboEditor1, as following:

            private void SetPopupMinWidth()
                xamComboEditor1.Tag = null;
                List<string> items = xamComboEditor1.ItemsSource as List<string>;

                if (items == null)

                Thickness? padding = null;
                double? fontSize = null;
                double minWidth = 0;
                FontFamily fontFamily = null;

                //find the Padding/FontSize/FontSize value in ItemContainerStyle
                foreach (Setter setter in xamComboEditor1.ItemContainerStyle.Setters)
                    if (setter.Property == ComboEditorItemControl.PaddingProperty)
                        padding = (Thickness)(setter.Value);

                    if (setter.Property == ComboEditorItemControl.FontSizeProperty)
                        fontSize = (double)(setter.Value);

                    if (setter.Property == ComboEditorItemControl.FontSizeProperty)
                        fontFamily = setter.Value as FontFamily;

                foreach (string item in items)
                    TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                    tb.Text = item;

                    if (padding != null)
                        tb.Padding = padding.Value;

                    if (fontSize != null)
                        tb.FontSize = fontSize.Value;

                    if (fontFamily != null)
                        tb.FontFamily = fontFamily;

                    if (tb.ActualWidth + 20 > minWidth)
                        //tb.ActualWidth is the minimal width to show the whole item content.
                        //20 is added for the width of vertical scroll bar of the popup.
                        minWidth = tb.ActualWidth + 20;

                xamComboEditor1.Tag = minWidth;

    By doing the above, the popup width is made dependent.


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