I want to know how to set programmatically the cursor position. For example I want to set the cursor by default on the last event shown in the timeline, because data from this event are displayed in a detail window below.
Currently the cursor is initialized on the left side of the timeline and I haven't seen something to realize the requirement above.
How can I do this?
Oh, well. It is easier than I thought. I did not cast the Axis-property of timeline to DateTimeAxis type and therefore have never seen this "SelectedTime" property. I also didn't tried in xaml, because I haven't the values available there.
Thank you very much.
The cursor is part of an axis which has the following property - SelectedTime. The type of the property depends on the axis you are using:
On the axis you have associated with your event entries, set the SelectedTime property to the event you want to be displayed.
<ig:NumericTimeAxis SelectedTime="1898" />