Hello. I was wondering how is it possible to remove or hide the FixedRowSeparator on a XAMWEBGRID v9.2 when fixing columns to the left using IsFixed="Left". This is a hierarchical grid with 2 levels of sub rows. The IsFixed works fine but would like to hide the separator bar.
I have tried using the FixedRowSeparatorStyle but to no avail. I tried setting opacity to 0 width to 0, height to 0, stroke thickness to 0. But nothing seems to do it.
Hi Steve,
Yes you are correct, that is the veritcal bar I am trying to remove.
I changed the Style from Opactity to Width and changed the FixedColumnsSettings so that it only sets the FixedBorderStyle. So, now my XAML looks like below but the vertical bar is still there.
<Style x:Key="myFixedBorderCellControl" TargetType="my:FixedBorderCellControl"> <Setter Property="Width" Value="0" /> </Style>
<igGrid:XamWebGrid x:Name="grdProjSumm" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" RowHover="Cell" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="Transparent" Margin="10,0,10,2" Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" CellStyle="{StaticResource myCell}" HeaderStyle="{StaticResource myGridHeader}" FooterStyle="{StaticResource myGridFooter}" >
<igGrid:XamWebGrid.FixedColumnSettings> <igGrid:FixedColumnSettings FixedBorderStyle="{StaticResource myFixedBorderCellControl}" /> </igGrid:XamWebGrid.FixedColumnSettings>
Any other suggestions?
Hi John,
I recommended that you set the Width to zero, not the opacity. Opacity will actually just cause a white gap to be left.
But anyways, it should still be working.
To be clear, you're trying to remove this:
Also, it turns out all you need to set is the FixedBorderStyle, you'd only need to use the Headre and Footer versions for customizing them differently.
I think you meant for the TargetType of the Style to be "FixedBorderCellControl" and not "FixedRowSeparator", correct?
I tried that but it isn't working. It doesn't appear to do anything. Below is XAML excerpts:
<Style x:Key="myFixedBorderCellControl" TargetType="my:FixedBorderCellControl"> <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="0" /> </Style>
<igGrid:XamWebGrid.FixedColumnSettings> <igGrid:FixedColumnSettings FixedBorderStyle="{StaticResource myFixedBorderCellControl}" FixedBorderFooterStyle="{StaticResource myFixedBorderCellControl}" /> </igGrid:XamWebGrid.FixedColumnSettings>
Note: if put the following in the FixedColumnSettings I get an XamlParseException:
FixedBorderHeaderStyle="{StaticResource myFixedBorderCellControl}"
So the FixedRowSeparatorStyle is actually for the the border that separates the AddNewRow, FilterRow, etc, from the normal data rows.
I believe you want to modify the FilxedBorderCellControl, which is the vertical bar that appears next to the fixed columns:
<Style TargetType="igPrim:FixedRowSeparator">
<Setter Property="Opacity" Value="0"/>
Off of FixedColumnSettings, there are multiple properties: FixedBorderStyle, FixedBorderHeaderStyle, FixedBorderFooterStyle
Hope this helps,