Hi -
I am new to the xamGrid, so please bear with me. I am trying to test the paging functionality with WCF RIA services.
Here's what I've got:
- Simple grid created by drag&drop so DomainDataSource was created for me and set to autoload.
- Paging is turned on.
I am using Fiddler to watch traffic between client and server.
What I'm seeing is this:
When I click to next page, it (correctly) calls the Get service with skip and take (and only calls once!).
So.. how do I get rid of the intial call without skip and take? Any idea why these first two calls show 3 times in Fiddler? Also, when I page to the last page and it doesn't have enough rows to fill, the re-paint of the grid doesn't work right (see below screenshot).
Any help out there?
I've also taken a look at the Virtual Collection, but not sure if this is applicable/best approach for latest Silverlight and WCF RIA release? I have not been successful with it either and would like to avoid using it if possible. I know the standard datagrid supports paging pretty much out of the box, but there are some features in xamGrid I would like to use if possible.
Any input appreciated! Thanks!
Could you be more specific with what VirtualCollection issues you faced so that we can help?
Any more thoughts after seeing the examples I posted? Thanks!
OK, I've got paging (mostly) working with the xamGrid. Looks like my problem was not waiting until the async load with RIA was complete before loading into the VirtualCollection. I added an event handler for the RIA load complete and load the VirtualCollection there. Data displays and the re-draw issue went away! Woohoo! I'm also setting the total items now and it is correctly showing the number of pages.
I do still have a couple issues I am working through, however, and would appreciate some help.
Thank you!!
Just following up on this thread. Please let us know if you require further assistance.
I have opened support cases and am pursing resolution there. Thanks.