I have a grid that takes this date " 2010-07-25 14:59:56.873"
and converts it to "7/25/2010 2:59:56 PM. which is perfect for user readability.
However my users cannot filter on this field, I need to convert the value back (exactly) or the filter fails.
can anyone help me out here????
public override System.Linq.Expressions.Expression FilteringBLOCKED EXPRESSIONvalue; System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<YourDataObject, bool>> expr = yourObj => yourObj != null && yourObj.Date == dt.Date; return expr; }
So, on your custom FilterOperand, you'd create your custom FilterExpressoin:
It should probably look something like:
public override System.Linq.Expressions.Expression FilteringExpression (object value){
DateTime dt = (DateTime) obj;
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<YourDataObject, bool>> expr = yourObj => yourObj != null && yourObj.Date == dt.Date;
return expr;
that shows how to add a filter operand how is that going to help me out here?
Sure, i should have provided a link before.
can you point me to an example of crating a custom fitler?
the date column is not acceptable 'visually" to our designers for this column.