<igGrid:ColumnLayout Key="StepParameterList" AutoGenerateColumns="false"> <igGrid:ColumnLayout.AddNewRowSettings> <igGrid:AddNewRowSettingsOverride AllowAddNewRow="None"/> </igGrid:ColumnLayout.AddNewRowSettings> <igGrid:ColumnLayout.EditingSettings> <igGrid:EditingSettingsOverride AllowEditing="Cell" IsEnterKeyEditingEnabled="True"></igGrid:EditingSettingsOverride>
</igGrid:ColumnLayout.EditingSettings> <igGrid:ColumnLayout.Columns>
<igGrid:TextColumn Key="Values"></igGrid:TextColumn>
<igGrid:TextColumn Key="ParameterComments" HeaderText="Comments" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" /> <igGrid:TemplateColumn Key="Add"> <igGrid:TemplateColumn.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Button x:Name="BtnAddParameter" Content="Add" Click="BtnAddParameter_Click" Width="50"></Button> </DataTemplate> </igGrid:TemplateColumn.ItemTemplate> </igGrid:TemplateColumn>
</igGrid:ColumnLayout.Columns> </igGrid:ColumnLayout>
I have a columnlayout in my xamwebgrid and in that I have added one textcolumn and another template column having button control in it.On the BtnAddParameter_Click event I am opening another window by
private void BtnAddParameter_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string stringValue = (string)HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("OpenNewWindow", "http://localhost:8185/Modules/Explorer/Viewer2.aspx"); }
which return me some value after closing that window.Now I want to update that value to my TextColumnfor the row of which I click the button.
Which event I need to use and how I update the value of textcolumn for that particular row only....
Please suggest...
Thanks in advance
In any event like button click or windows closing, you can reference the ActiveCell.Row.Index to get the index of the row, and then use that index to retrieve data from that row and change your data, assuming your data implements INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Here is an example: