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XamWebNumericEditor long id field

How can I configure XamWebNumericEditor to work as follows (basically an Id field w/no formatting):

  • Data Type Long
  • Never display any prompt characters (no _ etc.)
  • Never display any commas

I currently have these issues:

  • If I set PromptChar to " " then the numbers to the right of the control get cut off
  • The Mask property expects double type formatting and I'm using long so I can't set format as ##### with no commas
  • I can't set ValueType in XAML. I tried ValueType="System:Int32" and various variations including "." instead of ":" and Int64, int, long etc., with and without system. It doesn't matter, always xaml error, must use code behind

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  • 6759
    Offline posted

    Hello Geoff,

    sorry for the late response.

    I have tried to achieve the case you have described. I managed to set the value type in XAML to Int64 like follows:

    <ig:XamWebNumericEditor x:Name="editor"
                            PromptChar=" "


    By doing so the no comma is displayed. It seams that the only way not to display any promptChar is to set it to " ".

    However this causes last symbols to be cut off(as you have pointed out). This seams to be a bug that is why I have logged this issue with development under ID: 57651 and they are currently investigating it. I have also created a support ticket for you (Case ID: CAS-55022-CYBLC7) and lave linked the development work item to it so that you are notified when it is resolved and available for download from our website:

    HTH, please let me know if I can assist you further.

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