Hello, this is Christian from Saarbrücken in Germany.
I'm trying to change the xamPivotGrid-cells data after the Cube was generated and displayed, but without any success.
This is the structure of the businessobject-list that i am building and using as itemsource for the flatdatasource.
public class QMatrix : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private int? _soll = null; private int? _ist = null; public Mitarbeiter Mitarbeiter { get; set; } public Hauptaufgabe Hauptaufgabe { get; set; } public DateTime? Termin { get; set; } public int ID { get; set; } public int? Verantwortlicher { get; set; } public int? Soll { get { return _soll; } set { int? old = _soll; try { _soll = value; if (old != _soll) OnPropertyChanged("Soll"); } catch (Exception exception) { _soll = old; MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "Property-Fehler", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } } public int? Ist { get { return _ist; } set { int? old = _ist; try { _ist = value; if (old != _ist) OnPropertyChanged("Ist"); } catch (Exception exception) { _ist = old; MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "Property-Fehler", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } } public string Ausbilder { get; set; } public QMatrix() { Mitarbeiter = new Mitarbeiter(); Hauptaufgabe = new Hauptaufgabe(); } protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { if (PropertyChanged != null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } } public class Mitarbeiter { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Mitarbeiter() { ID = -1; Name = "keiner"; } } public class Arbeitsplatz { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Arbeitsplatz() { ID = -1; Name = "keiner"; } } public class Hauptaufgabe { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Arbeitsplatz Arbeitsplatz{ get; set; } public Hauptaufgabe() { ID = -1; Name = "keiner"; Arbeitsplatz = new Arbeitsplatz(); } }
private void bildeCube() { //if (p1loaded == false || p2loaded == false || p3loaded == false) // return; try { Switched = false; FlatDataSource fs = new FlatDataSource() { ItemsSource = bildeItemsource(), Cube = XmlaDataSource.GenerateInitialCube("QMatrix"), Columns = XmlaDataSource.GenerateInitialItems("[Hauptaufgabe]"), Rows = XmlaDataSource.GenerateInitialItems("[Mitarbeiter]"), Measures = XmlaDataSource.GenerateInitialItems("Ist,Soll"), }; fs.ResultChanged += new EventHandler<System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs>(fs_ResultChanged); CubeMetadata cubeMetadata = new CubeMetadata(); cubeMetadata.DisplayName = "QMatrix-Werte"; cubeMetadata.DataTypeFullName = typeof(QMatrix).FullName; cubeMetadata.DimensionSettings.Add(new DimensionMetadata() { SourcePropertyName = "Ist", DisplayName = "Ist", DisplayFormat = "{0} %" } ); cubeMetadata.DimensionSettings.Add(new DimensionMetadata() { SourcePropertyName = "Soll", DisplayName = "Soll", DisplayFormat = "{0} %" } ); fs.CubesSettings.Add(cubeMetadata); HierarchyDescriptor<QMatrix> hauptaufgabenHierarchy = new HierarchyDescriptor<QMatrix>(qmo => qmo.Hauptaufgabe); hauptaufgabenHierarchy.AddLevel(qmo => "Alle Arbeitsplätze", "Alle Arbeitsplätze"); hauptaufgabenHierarchy.AddLevel(qmo => qmo.Hauptaufgabe.Arbeitsplatz.Name, "Arbeitsplatz Bez."); hauptaufgabenHierarchy.AddLevel(qmo => "Alle Hauptaufgaben", "Alle Hauptaufgaben"); hauptaufgabenHierarchy.AddLevel(qmo => qmo.Hauptaufgabe.Name, LEVELNAME_HAUPTAUFGABEN); fs.AddHierarchyDescriptor(hauptaufgabenHierarchy); HierarchyDescriptor<QMatrix> mitarbeiterHierarchy = new HierarchyDescriptor<QMatrix>(qmo => qmo.Mitarbeiter); mitarbeiterHierarchy.AddLevel(qmo => "Alle Mitarbeiter", "Alle Mitarbeiter"); //mitarbeiterHierarchy.AddLevel(qmo => "", ""); mitarbeiterHierarchy.AddLevel(qmo => qmo.Mitarbeiter.Name, LEVELNAME_MITARBEITER); fs.AddHierarchyDescriptor(mitarbeiterHierarchy); //fs.SetMeasureAggregator((Infragistics.Olap.IMeasureViewModel)fs.Measures[0], Infragistics.Olap.MeasureAggregator.Average); //fs.SetMeasureAggregator((Infragistics.Olap.IMeasureViewModel)fs.Measures[1], Infragistics.Olap.MeasureAggregator.Average); Grid.DataSource = fs; DataSelektor.DataSource = fs; } catch (Exception exc) { Switched = true; MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "F E H L E R", MessageBoxButton.OK); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; } }
private List<QMatrix> bildeItemsource() { List<QMatrix> Werte = new List<QMatrix>(); QMatrix qmo; QMatrixV3.Web.V_QMATRIX_V2 qm; for (int i = 0; i < v_QMATRIX_V2DomainDataSource.DataView.Count; i++) { qm = (QMatrixV3.Web.V_QMATRIX_V2)v_QMATRIX_V2DomainDataSource.DataView[i]; qmo = new QMatrix(); qmo.ID = qm.ID; qmo.Termin = qm.TERMIN; qmo.Verantwortlicher = qm.VERANTWORTLICHER; qmo.Soll = qm.Q_SOLL; qmo.Ist = qm.Q_IST; qmo.Ausbilder = qm.AUSBILDER; foreach (QMatrixV3.Web.V_MITARBEITER ma in v_MITARBEITERDomainDataSource.DataView) { if (ma.ID == qm.MA_ID) { qmo.Mitarbeiter.ID = ma.ID; qmo.Mitarbeiter.Name = ma.BEZ_MITARBEITER; break; } } foreach (QMatrixV3.Web.V_HAUPTAUFGABEN ha in v_HAUPTAUFGABENDomainDataSource.DataView) { if (ha.ID == qm.H_AUF_ID) { qmo.Hauptaufgabe.ID = ha.ID; qmo.Hauptaufgabe.Name = ha.SEL_STRING; foreach (QMatrixV3.Web.V_ARBEITSPLAETZE ap in v_ARBEITSPLAETZEDomainDataSource.DataView) { if (ap.ID == ha.AP_ID) { qmo.Hauptaufgabe.Arbeitsplatz.ID = ap.ID; qmo.Hauptaufgabe.Arbeitsplatz.Name = ap.BEZ; break; } } break; } } Werte.Add(qmo); } return Werte; }
What I've tried:
Is there any way to manupulate the data and refresh the grid like overriding a method from flatdatasource-class or changing fields from olap-cells ???
Is there a timeframe when this feature will be made available?
The ability for the PropertyChanged event to cascade changes from the user collection
to the xamPivotGrid Measure is a fairly urgent requirement for us.
Sorry for delay,
The thinks you try to achieve is half a bug, half a feature.
It is a bug because adding new rows to datasource should force data to be recalculated and data in grid to be refreshed. It is fixed now and will be available in next service release.
It is a feature also because changing the fields from datasource is not predicted to change data in current implementation. I hope we will propose this feature in our next release (11.1).
I have a similar problem. It is OK when I add new rows to my flat data source (I don't mind rebuilding the measures, columns and rows!) but when I REMOVE all of the data from the flat data source, the grid still displays the row headers. How can I make it display correctly?
No, it's NOT helpful because :
"However I have to refresh all the cube, measures, and rows settings etc so it isnt ideal.
Is there any planned way to refresh the data in the pivotgrid without having to reset all the measures etc so the user doesnt lose what they have built up? I realise I could save the current settings etc, but it seems inefficient to me."
That's exactely the same effect that you will have if you build a total new FlatDataSource ... :-(
If you do that this way, you will also have to set again measures, columns and rows and all other information like scrollpositions, last active cell, ... all information is past away --- I've tried that ...
And there is no way to serialize that information from the grid bevor changing the itemsource or datasource :-(
There must be a way to change the cells or the cells data on events or with methods or method-overriding.
Some other ideas ???
thx and best regars
Hi Cristian,
this post will be helpful for you.