First of all thanks for all the help that the Infragistics team has provided me so far.
I would need the following functionality without the use of the pivotgrid itself:
Convert the Result of the dataselector.datasource to flat table (anything that represents a flat data table is fine). So if I have dimensions d1, d2, d3 and d4 (no matter if row or column) and I have measures m1 and m2, then I would need a flat table with columns d1, d2, d3, d4, m1and m2 (with the field names of the dimensions/measures as the column names). I also want to exclude all the total rows and columns.
How can I achieve this?
Many thanks and best regards,
Hi Todor,
Thanks for the advices, I'll try to do it this way.
Best regards,
To show flat data you should use XamGrid and also you should analyze the Result that datasource returns.
The format of the result is very simple. The result contains ColumnAxis, RowAxis and Cells properties. The ColumnAxis and RowAxis contain collection of tuples in which tuples data for column header and row header are stored.
The count of Rows tuples is equal to first demention of Cells array. What I mean is
pivotGrid.DataSource.Result.ColumnAxis.Tuples.Count == pivotGrid.DataSource.Result.Cells.GetLength(0)
The same is for columns
pivotGrid.DataSource.Result.RowAxis.Tuples.Count == pivotGrid.DataSource.Result.Cells.GetLength(1)
The Tuple contains members collection. From this collection you can build the name for your columns. Also The tuple contain IsTotal property to identify if the tuple is summarized.
So you should build your own IEnumerable and pass this data to XamGrid.