I have a column with a width of * and tooltips set to overflow. It does not show the tooltip, even if there is overlfow, until I resize the column manually, then it starts working.
Any thoughts?
I think you are on to something. The columns where it is not working are definitely * columns.
Might this be related to a problem I'm having applying styles to a "*" column?
I find that a style applied in CellControlAttached intermittently doesn't apply until I do something which modifies the cell concerned (change the column width, click in & so on)
It only affects the * width column.
I have verified and logged this behavior in our issue tracking system, with an issue ID of 48940. This issue will be researched for a fix, workaround, or other resolution. If some other resolution is reached, I will contact you.
You can view the status of all development issues connected to this case from the "Development Issues" tab, when viewing this case on the "My Support Requests" page of our website.
Thank you,Sam
This looks like something that should be evaluated by our development staff. I will have our Developer Support staff create a case for you so that this can be tracked.