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MouseLeftButtonDown on XamWebChart

I have a pie chart that the user needs to be able to click and run a detailed report.  However infragistics seems to be eating the MouseLeftButtonDown event when you click inside the pie area.  If you click outside the pie area, you get the event.  But the pie area is where anyone would expect to click -not in empty space outside the pie.

<igWebChart:XamWebChart Cursor="Hand" 
                        DataContext="{Binding DashboardEndpoints.Endpoints.PolicyStatus}" 

         <igWebChart:Legend Visibility="Visible" />
     <igWebChart:XamWebChart.Series >
        <igWebChart:Series ChartType="Pie" StrokeThickness="1" DataMapping="Value=PercentValue;Label=Key;ToolTip=ToolTip" DataSource="{Binding}" />

Is there some way around this besides switching to someone elses control?  I've tried attaching the handler on the series as well, but it has the same result.

Regards, -Mark