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The new newbie's question for xamMap

HI All,

This is my second day get touch silverlight and XamMap, Here is what I am looking for :

I am receiving my trucks' latitude and longitude every 15 mins. I need to show it on a road level maps.

can I do it with xamMap ?

How can I do it ?

Your help is very appreciated.





  • 30692
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    The best way to go about this might be to use a geo imagery layer and put a symbol layer on top of it to represent the trucks.
    You can find information here:
    about how to configure the various geo imagery options of the xamMap.

    Below is a small example that moves a truck dot around randomly on top of the geo-imagery.
    You will notice the one unfriendly part of this sample is that the 2 map layers don't pan at the same rate when you are panning the map using a mouse drag.
    I believe keeping these pans synchronized is something we are planning on adjusting soon.

    This sample uses OpenStreetMaps, but the principle is that same for the other imagery sources:
    The xaml:

            <igMap:XamMap x:Name="theMap" >
                <igMap:XamMap.MapTileSource >
                    <igMap:MapLayer x:Name="trucks"/>

    And the code behind:

    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
            DispatcherTimer _timer = new DispatcherTimer();
            TruckEmulator _emul = new TruckEmulator();
            public MainPage()
                _timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.5);
                _timer.Tick += Timer_Tick;
                this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded);
            void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                double x;
                double y;
                _emul.GetCurrentCoordinates(out x, out y);
                MapLayer truckLayer = theMap.Layers[0];
                if (truckLayer.WorldRect.IsEmpty)
                    truckLayer.WorldRect = theMap.WorldRect;
                SymbolElement ele =
                if (ele == null)
                    ele = new SymbolElement();
                    ele.SymbolSize = 5;
                    ele.SymbolType = MapSymbolType.Bubble;
                ele.SymbolOrigin = 
                    .ProjectToMap(new Point(x, y));
                if (!truckLayer.Elements.Contains(ele))
            private void InitMapCoordinates()
                // define world dimensions 
                Point worldTopLeft = new Point(-180, 90);
                Point worldBottomRight = new Point(180, -90);
                // Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
                Point winTopLeft = theMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldTopLeft);
                Point winBottomRight = theMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldBottomRight);
                // Create Rect structure the map control's WindowRect and WorldRect
                Rect winRect = new Rect()
                    X = Math.Min(winTopLeft.X, winBottomRight.X),
                    Y = Math.Min(winTopLeft.Y, winBottomRight.Y),
                    Width = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.X - winBottomRight.X),
                    Height = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.Y - winBottomRight.Y)
                theMap.IsAutoWorldRect = false;
                theMap.WindowZoomMaximum = 80;
                // Change the map control's WindowRect and WorldRect
                theMap.WindowRect = theMap.WorldRect = winRect;
        public class TruckEmulator
            private double _currentLat = 40.29029630058813;
            private double _currentLong = -74.55051898956299;
            public void GetCurrentCoordinates(out double x, out double y)
                x = _currentLong;
                y = _currentLat;
            private Random _rand = new Random();
            private void RandomlyMove()
                if (_rand.NextDouble() > .5)
                    _currentLat += _rand.NextDouble() * .001;
                    _currentLat -= _rand.NextDouble() * .001;
                if (_rand.NextDouble() > .5)
                    _currentLong += _rand.NextDouble() * .001;
                    _currentLong -= _rand.NextDouble() * .001;

    Hope this helps!
