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Accessing a webBrowser element in a TilePane object

Ok, I have a WebBrowser object that is part of the Template that I load when a pane is maximized. How can I access it to set it's NavigateToString property?

I've tried the following code in the TileView's Maximized State Changing Property (wbNew is the name of the webBrowser control in the template):


TilePane pane = e.Element as TilePane;


            switch (e.NewState)


                case TileState.Maximized:

                    pane.ContentTemplate = this.Resources["MaxTemp"] as DataTemplate;

                    WebBrowser wb = pane.FindName("wbNew") as WebBrowser;

                    if (wb != null)


                        wb.NavigateToString("<iframe src=\"\" width=100% height=100%></iframe>");





FindName doesn't return anything, so it never fires the NavigateToString line. Is there a different place I should put this? Or is there a different way to get the control?


I'm still a relative newbie to Silverlight, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • 3071

    The FindName method returns null for elements in a data template.
    You have to use the VisualTreeHelper or you can add some event-handlers to element inside a data template. This example shows how to get the control from a data template:

    <DataTemplate x:Key="maximizedTemplate" Loaded="StackPanel_Loaded">
        <TextBlock x:Name="txtMaximized" Text="Maximized"/>
    private void StackPanel_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    object o = (sender as FrameworkElement).FindName("txtMaximized");
    as TextBlock).Text = "The template is loaded.";


  • 85

    Looks like I wasn't taking the proper path to get to the object. I had a couple StackPanels to transverse first.