Is there any way to display a validation error that uses the ValidationError binding in the xamWebComboEditor? Also, I was looking at the DefaultStyles in the Infragistics folder and inside the xamWebComboEditor, there is a ControlTemplate for ValidationToolTipTemplate, how is that intended to be used? (if at all)
This requires retemplating the XamComboEditor to make use of the ValidationStates VisualStateGroup. For more information see the following forum thread:
Please notice http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/t/45301.aspx
My code
<dataform:DataField> <ig:XamComboEditor ItemsSource="{Binding Titles}" IsEditable="False" EmptyText="{Binding ComboBox_DefaultSelection, Source={StaticResource Localization}}" SelectedItem="{Binding Title, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=True}" /> </dataform:DataField>
public override string this[string propertyName] { get {
if (propertyName == "Title") { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Title)) { return ValidationErrorResources.ValidationErrorRequiredField; } }}
public string Title { get { return m_Title; } set { if(value == null || value == m_Title) { return; } m_Title = value; OnNotifyPropertyChanged("Title"); } } private string m_Title;
I tried to bind the validation to my xamcomboeditor but it shows me always an error, even if the values are set correctly.