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HtmlGridView only shows first row of data provider


 I'm having this interesting problem when trying to bind data to a grid.  My code is shown below.   SessionBean1.myDataProvider is of class CachedRowSetDataProvider.  When binding this data provider to a normal data table, all rows are displayed.  When I bind it to an ig:gridView control, only the first row is displayed.  What possible things could this suggest?  Development environment is Netbeans 6, NetAdvantage 2007 vol 2, JDK6, compiling at 1.4, J2EE 1.4, JSF 1.1, Sun App Server 9., MySQL 5 w/3.x Connector/.  

 In Infragistics' demos, they use simple hardcoded lists to populate data.  While I could go through the trouble of converting my CachedRowSet to a List, I lose the advantage of being able to use the data provider to be able to update data.

My ultimate goal here is to move away from the native data tables and use the Infragistics AJAX controls to load and modify data without having to do full page reloads.


<ig:gridView binding="#{myPage.htmlGridView1}" bottomPagerRendered="true"
                   dataSource="#{SessionBean1.myDataProvider}" id="htmlGridView1">
          <ig:column binding="#{myPage.colID}" id="colID">
               <f:facet name="header">
                        <h:outputText binding="#{myPage.otID}" id="otID" title="ID" value="ID"/>
               <h:outputText binding="#{myPage.otID1}" id="otID1" value="#{DATA_ROW.value['']}"/>

  • 95
    Verified Answer

     Did your server log throw any errors when you ran this code?


    The NEtAdvantage code is built to work with Lists - I don't know that it'll work with CachedRowSetDataProvider.

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