I need to have a javascript function in my ASP.Net page I can call that will:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the markup. This tree is the target of drag-and-drop from another tree.
The drag-and-drop functions work fine, but I can't get a function to clear the tree working.
<ignav:UltraWebTree ID="IncludeList" runat="server" AllowDrop="True" AllowDrag="True" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="White" InitialExpandDepth="2" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" WebTreeTarget="HierarchicalTree" Indentation="20" Width="300px" Height="180" Cursor="Default" BorderColor="#666666" BorderWidth="3px"> <Levels> <ignav:Level Index="0" /> </Levels> <NodeMargins Top="2px"></NodeMargins> <AutoPostBackFlags NodeChecked="False" NodeCollapsed="False" NodeDropped="False" NodeExpanded="False" /> <ClientSideEvents DragStart="UltraWebTree2_DragStart" Drop="UltraWebTree2_Drop"> </ClientSideEvents></ignav:UltraWebTree>
Hello Richard,
Would you confirm that you are using UltraWebTree and not WebDataTree?
Would you paste me here the markup of your control?
Developer Support Engineer
Is that a jQuery utility?
I've used this to find the tree control but have not been able to clear it, either client-side or server-side. Hope this helps.
var tree = $util.findControl("AgendaTree");
if (tree != null) {
Let me clarify. I already have some code based on the docs, but it doesn't work.
tree = igtree_getTreeById(
"<%=IncludeList.ClientID%>"); <== This yields a null object
"IncludeList"); <== This yields a null object
tree.clearNodes(); <== doesn't work because tree is null
The tree markup is:
ignav:UltraWebTree ID="IncludeList" runat="server" .... etc
Am I missing something?