I have a dataform where one of the datafields is a control I call a note control. Right now it just has the textbox, a button, and the spellchecker. When i edit the note and hit save the dataform commits fine. However, I get an issue when using the spell checker by doing the following:
I get the following error:
"Attempt by method 'System.Windows.Controls.ValidationUtil.GetDependencyPropertiesForElement(System.Windows.FrameworkElement)' to access field 'am.a' failed."
Basically it's any time i open the spell check window this happens. If i never click spell check the commit works fine.
Did this issue get resolved? I get the same error.
I attempted to recreate the error you described, and somehow I am not seeing it. There seems to be some issues with SpellChecker using with DataForm, but not exactly what you had described.
Can you submit your code or a maybe a sample? it seems like a simple scenario, but the exact setup is probably what I need to reproduce the error.
Thank you,
Sorry about the delayed response, this definitely sounds like a bug though so I've created a support case for you. If you have any new information feel free to reply to this thread and we'll try to help you get this resolved as quickly as possible.