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Grid in tabcontrol problem


I'm using xamWebGrid in a tabcontrol, and switch tabs, the grid automatically scrolls back to the top of the list, even when i have selected a cell at the bottom of the list.

Is it possible to prevent the grid from scrolling back up?

This is quite annoying if I have scrolled down and selected a cell.




  • 8421

    Hello Johan,

    This issue should be fixed now in the latest service release, build 10.1.20101.2081 or 10.2.20102.2005. Please let me know if you have any further questions about this matter.

  • 40030
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Johan, 

    I was able to reproduce this, and it's a bug with the grid, essentially whenever the grid is reloaded, we were resetting the scroll position. 

    However i have submitted and fixed the issue, so a fix will be available in the next Service Release and the next Volume Release. 

    Thanks for the report. 
