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Force column generation in binding UltraWebGrid to empty table


Is it possible to force the grid to generate columns even though the table has 0 rows?  I dropped a grid on an aspx page in the designer and after binding a dataset which has a table with 0 rows, the columsn do get generated (so the user can see that the report did run but dodn't generate any data).  Note: I have AutoGenerateColummns = true (in the designer).

 Then, as a test, on another page, I create a grid programmatically, using:

UltraWebGrid grid = new UltraWebGrid("UltraWebGrid1");

and set AutoGenerateCOlumns to true.

However, after:

grid.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];


I get "Object not set (NullReference)" exception.

So, the question is: how is it that when created in the designer the grid does generate columns gracefully, but when created dynamically, the grid throws an exception on DataBind() ?

Thanks in advance!




  • 8680

    If you're trying to force the column headers/footers to render when there are no rows, I don't know of a way to do that.  Maybe someone else does.

    I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like you don't even have an empty table in ds.Tables[0].

    But in either case, you might consider detecting the null/empty DataTable, and either A) Open the AddNew row, or B) generate a row full of empty (null, "") values.


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