Cant seem to find a way to hide the scrollbars in the xamWebTileView. We are setting the MinimizedStripWidth and MinimizedStripHeight.
I was just following up on this issue. Did the information above help you?
Sincerely,BatnasanDeveloper Support Engineer,
Once you have set the MinimizedStripHeight property for some reason, the scrollbar will be visible in order to hold all child elements in view. There are two possible ways I have found to remove the ScrollBar in my attached sample:
- With the help of VisualTreeHelper class, get the Scrollbar and set its Visibility to collapsed;
- Wrap around the container of the control using other container like StackPanel.
Test this with the attached sample.
well, sort of. When one view is maximized and the other views are along the side, tiled, a scroll bar appears which we are unable to hide.
<igTV:XamWebTileView x:Name="MainView" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" Background="{x:Null}" Foreground="{x:Null}" MaximizedStateChanging="XamWebTileView_MaximizedStateChanging" MaximizedStateChanged="XamWebTileView_MaximizedStateChanged" RowsInPage="4" ColumnsInPage="3" KeepMaximizedTilesInCurrentPage="True">
<igTV:TilePanelSettings MinimizedStripHeight="155" MinimizedTilePaneSizing="False" MinimizedStripWidth="350" x:Name="MainTilePaneSettings"/>
<igTV:TilePane x:Name="SystemTile" Background="{x:Null}" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" Foreground="#FFF8F8F8" Header="System" BorderThickness="0" Style="{StaticResource teststylepane}">
<Rectangle Height="100" Fill="#FF4D0808" Stroke="#FF6C0606"/>
Hi,Is the question is about minimized mode only?Could you put more details and any sample code to look at?Regards,Marin