I have an ultrawebgrid.. that i databind to a dataset.
The user updates some data in the grid and and presses a submit button on the page.
I then want to assign the data in the grid to a empty dataset.
what is happening to me is on postback the grid no longer has any data in it.
I am trying to look at the grid.datasource but it comes ip as empty.
Hi Daryl,
You would like to perform CRUD operation with UltraWebGrid I would suggest handle UpdateRow/ UpdateRowBatch :
More info please refer the link below:
This acutally does me no good at all.
TableAdapters are not allowed.
this was easy using the windows countrol..
but the web control is a pain in the butt.
Is there a way to do this WITHOUT using a table adaptor?
Using back end technology for updating your Database is really up to you. I would say that TableAdapter is legacy tech anymore and if I have to implement CRUD operations concerning the current moment I would choose ORM to do so. Entity Framework is a good choice. How to use it along with ASP.NET you can refer to these resources : http://www.asp.net/entity-framework/tutorials