How can I bind the XamWebChart to a SeriesCollection. I'm getting data from a service, in Xml format, containing the values and styles for few series' with several datapoints.
I created SeriesCollection in my ViewModel. Now how should I bind my view to make it use the SeriesCollection to draw graphs.
You will want to check this post to get you started:
Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the forums this morning, so this post isn't currently accessible.
Its back up. So you can check that out if you want. But the exampl linked is really more for if you want to create the series based on a template in Xaml. If you are already creating the series collection in your View Model have you tried just binding it to the chart?
I.E if the property holding the SeriesCollection on your DataContext is called Series. Have you tried
<XamWebChart Series="{Binding Series} ...
Your problem is that when you are setting the actual DataContext programmatically you are setting it at a higher level than you are setting it inside the user control. The DataContext set on the chart will take precedence over the UserControl's DataContext. You have to replace the DataContext at the same level or lower than it was originally set.
One way to resolve your problem would be to give the chart in your user control a name
e.g. x:Name="theChart"
and then instead of this line:
ucChart.DataContext = vmChart;
(ucChart.FindName("theChart") as FrameworkElement).DataContext = vmChart;
let me know how it goes.
Thank you very much Graham. That works like a charm. If possible, please keep me posted about the bug status.
Thank you.
I'm trying to do the same thing for a XamDataChart, but the Series property is marked as read-only. How would one assign the series collection to the control fro mthe view model in this control?
Sorry for the delay, I've been out of the office for a while. Here's something that can should get you started. The gist is to use an attached property to synchronize your source viewmodel with the series that are populated in the chart.The viewmodels for the series are produce the concrete series by means of a DataTemplate you provide which should produce a series when loaded.Here's an example of the Xaml:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <ig:XamDataChart Name="xamDataChart1" > <ig:XamDataChart.Axes> <ig:CategoryXAxis x:Name="xAxis" ItemsSource="{Binding Item.Data}" Label="{}{Label}"/> <ig:NumericYAxis x:Name="yAxis" /> </ig:XamDataChart.Axes> <local:SeriesBinder.BindingInfo> <local:SeriesBindingInfo ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <local:SeriesBindingInfo.SeriesTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ig:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Item.Data}" ValueMemberPath="{Binding Item.ValueMemberPath}" XAxis="{Binding Path=Owner.Axes[0]}" YAxis="{Binding Path=Owner.Axes[1]}" > </ig:LineSeries> </DataTemplate> </local:SeriesBindingInfo.SeriesTemplate> </local:SeriesBindingInfo> </local:SeriesBinder.BindingInfo> </ig:XamDataChart> <Button Grid.Row="1" Content="Click" Click="Button_Click"/> </Grid>
And here is the code behind to support this usage:
public partial class MainPage : UserControl { public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = new TestSeries(); } private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { (DataContext as TestSeries).Add( new TestSeriesItem()); } } public class TestSeries : ObservableCollection<TestSeriesItem> { public TestSeries() { Add(new TestSeriesItem()); Add(new TestSeriesItem()); Add(new TestSeriesItem()); } } public class TestSeriesItem { public TestSeriesItem() { Data = new TestData(); ValueMemberPath = "Value"; } public IEnumerable Data { get; set; } public string ValueMemberPath { get; set; } } public class TestData : ObservableCollection<TestDataItem> { private static Random rand = new Random(); public TestData() { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Add(new TestDataItem() { Label = i.ToString(), Value = rand.NextDouble() }); } } } public class TestDataItem { public string Label { get; set; } public double Value { get; set; } } public class SeriesDataContext : DependencyObject { public static DependencyProperty ItemProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Item", typeof(object), typeof(SeriesDataContext), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { })); public object Item { get { return GetValue(ItemProperty); } set { SetValue(ItemProperty, value); } } public static DependencyProperty OuterContextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("OuterContext", typeof(object), typeof(SeriesDataContext), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { })); public object OuterContext { get { return GetValue(OuterContextProperty); } set { SetValue(OuterContextProperty, value); } } public static DependencyProperty OwnerProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Owner", typeof(XamDataChart), typeof(SeriesDataContext), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { })); public XamDataChart Owner { get { return (XamDataChart)GetValue(OwnerProperty); } set { SetValue(OwnerProperty, value); } } } public class SeriesBindingInfo : FrameworkElement { public static DependencyProperty OwnerProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Owner", typeof(XamDataChart), typeof(SeriesBindingInfo), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { (o as SeriesBindingInfo).OnOwnerChanged(e); })); public XamDataChart Owner { get { return (XamDataChart)GetValue(OwnerProperty); } set { SetValue(OwnerProperty, value); } } public static DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(SeriesBindingInfo), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { (o as SeriesBindingInfo).OnItemsSourceChanged(e); })); public IEnumerable ItemsSource { get { return (IEnumerable)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); } set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); } } public static DependencyProperty SeriesTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("SeriesTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(SeriesBindingInfo), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { (o as SeriesBindingInfo).OnSeriesTemplateChanged(e); } )); public DataTemplate SeriesTemplate { get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(SeriesTemplateProperty); } set { SetValue(SeriesTemplateProperty, value); } } protected void OnItemsSourceChanged( DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Clear(); if (e.OldValue != null) { UnRegCollection(e.OldValue as IEnumerable); } if (e.NewValue != null) { RegCollection(e.NewValue as IEnumerable); UpdateFromCollection(e.NewValue as IEnumerable); } } public static DependencyProperty OuterContextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("OuterContext", typeof(object), typeof(SeriesBindingInfo), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { })); public object OuterContext { get { return GetValue(OuterContextProperty); } set { SetValue(OuterContextProperty, value); } } protected void OnSeriesTemplateChanged( DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Clear(); UpdateFromCollection(ItemsSource); } private void OnOwnerChanged( DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { SetBinding(DataContextProperty, new Binding("OuterContext") { Source = this }); Clear(); UpdateFromCollection(ItemsSource); } private void Clear() { if (Owner == null) { return; } Owner.Series.Clear(); } private void UpdateFromCollection( IEnumerable collection) { if (collection == null) { return; } foreach (object item in collection) { AddItem(item); } } private void AddItem( object item) { if (SeriesTemplate == null) { return; } Series series = SeriesTemplate.LoadContent() as Series; if (series != null) { SeriesDataContext context = new SeriesDataContext() { Item = item, Owner = Owner }; BindingOperations.SetBinding( context, SeriesDataContext.OuterContextProperty, new Binding("OuterContext") { Source = this }); series.DataContext = context; Axis xAxis = null; Axis yAxis = null; GetAxes(series, ref xAxis, ref yAxis); if (xAxis != null) { UpdateAxis(context, xAxis); } if (yAxis != null) { UpdateAxis(context, yAxis); } Owner.Series.Add(series); } } private void UpdateAxis(SeriesDataContext context, Axis axis) { axis.DataContext = context; if (!Owner.Axes.Contains(axis)) { Owner.Axes.Add(axis); } } private void GetAxes(Series series, ref Axis xAxis, ref Axis yAxis) { if (series is AnchoredCategorySeries) { xAxis = (series as AnchoredCategorySeries).XAxis; yAxis = (series as AnchoredCategorySeries).YAxis; } else if (series is RangeCategorySeries) { xAxis = (series as RangeCategorySeries).XAxis; yAxis = (series as RangeCategorySeries).YAxis; } else if (series is FinancialSeries) { xAxis = (series as FinancialSeries).XAxis; yAxis = (series as FinancialSeries).YAxis; } else if (series is ScatterBase) { xAxis = (series as ScatterBase).XAxis; yAxis = (series as ScatterBase).YAxis; } } private void RegCollection( IEnumerable collection) { if (collection is INotifyCollectionChanged) { (collection as INotifyCollectionChanged).CollectionChanged += SeriesBindingInfo_CollectionChanged; } } private void UnRegCollection( IEnumerable collection) { if (collection is INotifyCollectionChanged) { (collection as INotifyCollectionChanged).CollectionChanged -= SeriesBindingInfo_CollectionChanged; } } void SeriesBindingInfo_CollectionChanged( object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (Owner == null) { return; } //this could be made more efficient of course. Clear(); UpdateFromCollection(ItemsSource); } } public class SeriesBinder : DependencyObject { public static DependencyProperty ContextBridgeProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ContextBridge", typeof(object), typeof(SeriesBinder), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { SeriesBindingInfo sbi = GetBindingInfo(o); if (sbi != null) { sbi.OuterContext = e.NewValue; } })); public static DependencyProperty BindingInfoProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("BindingInfo", typeof(SeriesBindingInfo), typeof(SeriesBinder), new PropertyMetadata(null, (o, e) => { if (o is XamDataChart) { SeriesBindingInfo prev = GetBindingInfo(o); if (prev != null && prev.Owner != null) { prev.Owner = null; } if (e.NewValue != null) { XamDataChart newOwner = o as XamDataChart; newOwner.SetBinding( SeriesBinder.ContextBridgeProperty, new Binding()); (e.NewValue as SeriesBindingInfo) .Owner = (XamDataChart)o; if (GetContextBridge(o) != null) { (e.NewValue as SeriesBindingInfo) .OuterContext = GetContextBridge(o); } } } })); public static void SetBindingInfo( DependencyObject target, SeriesBindingInfo info) { target.SetValue(BindingInfoProperty, info); } public static SeriesBindingInfo GetBindingInfo( DependencyObject target) { return (SeriesBindingInfo)target.GetValue(BindingInfoProperty); } public static void SetContextBridge( DependencyObject target, object context) { target.SetValue(ContextBridgeProperty, context); } public static object GetContextBridge( DependencyObject target) { return target.GetValue(ContextBridgeProperty); } }
The above example was assuming a situation where you wanted to share axes between all the series in the chartHowever, you could also use an approach like this to define seperate axes per item in your viewmodel collection, e.g:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <ig:XamDataChart Name="xamDataChart1" > <ig:XamDataChart.Axes> <ig:NumericYAxis x:Name="yAxis" /> </ig:XamDataChart.Axes> <local:SeriesBinder.BindingInfo> <local:SeriesBindingInfo ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <local:SeriesBindingInfo.SeriesTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ig:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Item.Data}" ValueMemberPath="{Binding Item.ValueMemberPath}" YAxis="{Binding Path=Owner.Axes[0]}" > <ig:LineSeries.XAxis> <ig:CategoryXAxis ItemsSource="{Binding Item.Data}" Label="{}{Label}"/> </ig:LineSeries.XAxis> </ig:LineSeries> </DataTemplate> </local:SeriesBindingInfo.SeriesTemplate> </local:SeriesBindingInfo> </local:SeriesBinder.BindingInfo> </ig:XamDataChart> <Button Grid.Row="1" Content="Click" Click="Button_Click"/> </Grid>
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have questions.-Graham
Dear Graham,
how can i redo this but for stacked column series, its really urgent.
Where are you running into the overhead? Do you have a profile? You may be able to tweak that method a bit to avoid the issue. There should be a bit of overhead when the custom type is generated, but as long as most of the dynamic types look the same it should be hitting the dictionary for each subsequent type that needs to be created.
Also, xamGrid probably supports binding against dictionaries, I would assume, is there a reason you aren't using that approach?
I'm not too familar with the xamGrid's backlog. I'd recommend makign a feature request, or possibly emailing to inquire further.
Hi Graham,
I am facing the same issue with xamGrid - Silverlight. From the description you gave in the post above, it make sense that ICustomTypeProvider works at silverlight binding level but xamGrid works at a level lower than that.
The workaround you suggested of creating runtime types works fine but causes performance overhead. I would ideally like to see ICustomTypeProvider or DynamicObjects binding seamlessly with Infragistics components.
Is there any plan to support this in upcoming Infragistics releases ? I have tried Infragistics 12.1 as well, but its still not implemented.
thx alot
Is there any article or blog that binds the pivot grid with the datachart??
am searching but there is only for webchart
I believe you can just set the Brush property on each fragment.
OK, i will now try to work with the pivotgrid and bind it :)
but i want to ask a question first,
can i chose the colors of the stacked fragments, because i don't want the randomely selected colors i get
i want to specify the color of the fragment when adding it, can i??