he have a page with a Xam Webgrid and have discovered taht if the grid has any amount of real data in it (more than 20 rows) the cell double click event only fires sporadically.
is this a doucmented bug?
Hi Nick,
I agree that this should be the cause. You should have in mind that none of our grids (WPF, WinForms and ASP) are meant to be used with dictionaries. They rely extensively on enumeration for everything from event notification to custom filtering.
You can look through these links from our online documentation in order to get a better understanding of the grids’ DataSource capabilities: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/WinForms/2010.1/CLR2.0/?page=Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v10.1~Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridBase~DataSource.html
The Infragistics grids need an IEnumarable interface implemented and the dictionaries are entitled to IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> which doesn't do the job.
Hope this makes things clearer.
Kind regards Petar.
We are binding to a dynamic entity (Idictionary) thai is created on the fly. I think that is the source of the problem, the event fires but it's not consistant, sometimes I have to switch cells to get it to fire.
I can't give you code ,(obviously our data is prorpietary, we are in HIT) but it seems taht the more columns there are in the result set the worse this behavior becomes.
I have been trying to reproduce this behavior, but to no avail. I even created a sample project just for the job, but everything worked fine. Please let me know if you had overcome this and if not please describe your environment (OS(bits), VS, NetAdvantage’s specific version etc.) so we make sure we are exactly replicating your scenario.
Looking forward to your reply.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics Bulgaria