Sorry I'm looking for help about this issue:
I need to put values in an ActiveCell of my windows opener , from a pop-up.
Usually, I'm using objOtherGridRow.getCell(18).setValue(objLocalGridRow.getCell(0).getValue()) , where 18 is my cell to set new value.It's working, but, I need to set cell number dynamically , take active cell from opener windows and set it with new value from my pop-up windows.
I appreciate your help in advance !
Below I will show you how to do something similar. The idea is that you have access to the opener window and you will be able to manipulate the grid which is placed in the "opener" window. So let assume that you want to set a value in opener window and the function below is placed in your popup window.
8 <script type="text/javascript">
9 function getMaintWindow() {
10 //Get a reference to the window
11 //that has opended the popUp window.
12 var mainWindow = window.opener;
13 //Invoke the function
14 //form the opener window
15 //in our case just find the UltraWebGrid.
16 var oGrid =
17 mainWindow.igtbl_getGridById('UltraWebGrid1');
18 // Use the API of the grd to manipulate it.
19 //For example / I will hide it.
20 oGrid.hide();
21 }
22 </script>
I hope this helps you.
Hello, Sure ,I'm be able to manipulate the webgrid of the "opener" window, but, In this case, I don't know how change cell value in " dynamic mode ". So , I need to get cell active in my "opener" window and change the value. Thanks .
Can you check out the code below:
20 //For example /
21 //get the active cell of ghe grid, then set value.
22 oGrid.getActiveCell().setValue("your new value");
24 }
25 </script>
Hello ,
Thanks for the suggestion ! Little thing, Could help me how to get cell name also ?
Thanks again
I would like to point out in your attention the CSOM (Client side object model) on the following link;
CSOM Here you can see all properties of cell object Cell there you can get the Column reference..
Hello ado, thanks a lot .
You are helpful for me.
Thank you again