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Firefox Double Click Issue

First off I am using  NetAdvantage for .NET 2009.1 in a MOSS 2007 environment.  All the code I have written works perfectly in Internet Explorer for the user to edit an Ultrawebgrid cell on a double click. When i try edit the cell in firefox, it never allows the user to edit the cell. It just selects the cell the user clicks on.

I have tried adding a double click handler with the following javascript code to correct the situation;

    function DblClickHandler(gridName, cellId)

        var cell=igtbl_getCellById(cellId);


and I set it to function;

Grid1.DisplayLayout.ClientSideEvents.DblClickHandler = "DblClickHandler"

I have search the web and the forums to see if I am missing something and have found very little information. Can anyone point me to what I am missing?

- Adam