Are there any other {TemplateBinding xxxxxx} besides Title and Details that can be used to pass in data. Tried using Tag and Name but those both don't appear to keep the data even if I set them.
I am trying to put the following in the details style. I am using the Title to set the Image source and Details for the textblock, but need to pass in a 3rd piece of data for the link.
<Image Name="Image" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Source="{TemplateBinding Title}" Grid.Row="0"></Image><HyperlinkButton Name="hlAggregate" TargetName="_Blank" NagivationUri="{TemplateBinding ??????}"></HyperlinkButton><TextBlock Name="tbDetails" Grid.Row="1" MaxWidth="300" Text="{TemplateBinding Details}"></TextBlock>
If you are new to xaml and arent sure how to set an arbitrary object for a property in XAML please see:
Both the Title and Details properties are actually of type object, not string, so you could create a class that has a Text Property and a Url property to set for the Details and then do these:
{TemplateBinding Details.Text}
{TemplateBinding Details.Url}
Could you give that a try and let me know how it goes?