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Problem in displaying the error message in WebGrid


I have put a <inputText> in a web grid. I want to perform validation on this text box.

I have used a validator attribute of inputText which is validating the data but I am not able to print the

error message. Below is code:  


ig:gridView id="accountGridView" pageSize="5"




<h:inputText id="accNoComp" value="#{DATA_ROW.accountNumber}"

validator="GUIValidator" />

<f:facet name="header">

<h:outputText value="Account" />


<font color="red">

<h:message for="accNoComp" id="accNoValidationMsg"/>




<h:commandButton value="Remove" actionListener="#{advancedSearchController.removeAccountNumber}" />



Can anyone tell me how to print the error message below the text box present

in the WebGrid?