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map chart is not displayed, when deployed in IIS

I have developed a simple map chart, by loading usa_st map. It worked fine, when i tested in IDE and in the IIS of development machine.

When I copied the binaries to a Windows 2003 Server R2 x64 machine, the map chart is not displayed. I checked that the usa_st file is in ClientBin folder, where .xap file is there.

I had spent lot of time, on this and still dont know wat is the problem. Why it works in development machine and IIS and not working in another machine.

Other charts like doughnet, bar charts are working fine in both machine. Only map is not loading. I thought of this as access violation. But the images in clientbin are loading fine.

Is there something with Shapefilereader? I am unable to catch any exception, if the URI is invalid. Please help me.