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Scrollbar is not displaying


Just started using the trial version of the xamWebGrid 2009 v2. For whatever reason, I cannot get the vertical nor horizontal scrollbars to display when my my grid is displayed in the browser.

My xaml page has a Grid layout control with 6 row definitions and 1 column definition. The first five rows contain various controls such as stack panels and text boxes. In the 6th row, I display my xamWebGrid control. I show several hundred rows of data across approximately 20 columns. Inevitably, the grid has so much data that it cannot be displayed in the viewable area. I am expecting the both the vertical and horizontal scrollbars to display but I have not had any luck.

I tried the suggestions in the following forum link without luck:

In addition, I tried to set the height, maxheight, width and maxwidth properties of the grid without luck.

My grid displays either between 1 to 3 fixed columns on the left side of the grid. The grid is also group-able with an initial grouping already applied to the grid when the data is bound.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.






  • 175

    OK. After about a day of trying to figure this issue out and then submitting a post asking for help, I found the solution soon after.

    As I mentioned earlier, my xamWebGrid control was a control located in the 1st column, 6th row of my primary LayoutRoot grid. I changed the Grid's ColumnDefinition Width property from "Auto" to some hard-coded value like "1*". Then, I changed the Grid's RowDefinition Height property from "Auto" to a hard-coded value like "6*". When both properties were changed from Auto to something else, the scrollbars began to display. If either property is set to Auto, neither scrollbar is displayed.

    Maybe the developers should add this to the documentation for the grid.





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