I have an application using xamWebGrid and in the demo configuration it displays just 357 rows. The data are instances of a simple CLR object of 11 properties of value types: datetime (3), enum (2), string (2), int (2), bool (2).
The empty grid is displayed quickly but the time from setting the data source to displaying the data is ~5 seconds. Initially this is quite confusing for users who are unaware they should wait so press F5 to refresh the page. We've put in a "Loading..." message on screen to inform the user but there does not seem to be an event fired by the xamWebGird once the data is displayed. Without such an event we don't know when to remove the loading message.
So two questions: why the delay? There is not a lot of data. Secondly, is there an event that will fire once the display is presented?
Bill Seddon
So, you don't have to explicitly set a Height and Width on the control, it works as everything in SL works. If you don't set a height and width, it inherits it's height and width from it's parent container.
My guess is that you're placing the xamWebGrid in a container that is giving it infinite height and width. When that happens, you're telling the grid to draw everything, which mean no virtualization can take place. So, this should be avoided. You'll see the same issue with ms's grid as well.
As for resizing, with your browser, then if the xamWebGrid's container is a Grid panel, then it will resize with the container, and still have a height and width. So virtualization will still take place.
Seems unlikely. However, *if* that's the case, I'll be looking for my money back. If the only way to obtain anything like acceptable performance on a grid with just 300 rows and 11 colums is to fix the size of the whole control (bearing in mind users might want to resize it to fit their browser and given the noise Infragistics is making about the performance when showing 1 million rows) then, in my view, the grid is not fit for purpose.
It's not clear if you are just another poster or if you work for Infragistics. Can you enlighten me?
I am sorry I was unclear, you would need to set the Control's Width and Height.
<igGrid:XamWebGrid Width="100" Height="100">
Yes I have assigned width and height and I am using following settings:
<igGrid:XamWebGrid x:Name="myGrid"ColumnWidth="65" RowHeight="20" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible">
Similar to Bill's (possible) issue, do you have a Width set on the XamWebGrid?