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Mouse Over/Selected Styles

Is there any way to change the color of a XamWebTreeItem's mouse over highlight, as well as the style of the selected item's highlight?  I would like to choose the highlight's color when the mouse is over an item, and also would like to remove the dotted line around the selected item.  I feel like I'm overlooking something basic... or is this not possible?

Also, if this is possible, how would I set up the style if I am using a Hierarchical Data Template?

Thanks for any help.

  • 540

    I need to show tootip for the nodes or subnodes of the tree only when the node text doesn't fit the default width of the tree. I am adding nodes dynamically at run time. Any help will be appreciated

  • 6912
    Verified Answer


    The way to achieve what you described is to set a new style to the items in the xamWebTree.

    You can use Expression Blend to retemplate XamWebTreeItem or you can find the default templates of the controls in the installation directory.

    After retemplating the XamWebTreeItem set the new style to the ItemContainerStyle property.

    I've attached a simple sample application where the ItemContainerStyle of the xamWebTree is changed. (You can find the attached file at the top of this post)
