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HELP : Performance Problems exchanging nodes

Im trying to implement a swap function that allows me to exchange nodes in a ultrawebtree, but when i try to use the insertChild and removeChild, it takes too long.

 Is there another way to implement swapping in the UltraWebTree o what can i do to improve the performance.

 Thanks in advance 

// code snippet (Infragistics 7.1 .net 1.x)

var sourceClone = parentNode.insertChild(targetPosition, textSource, '');

var targetClone = parentNode.insertChild(sourcePosition, textTarget, '');

 parentNode.removeChild(sourcePosition + 1);

parentNode.removeChild(sourcePosition + 1);


  • 210

     I am having the same problem with the remove() method. (Infragistics 7.2 with .NET 2.x)


    It takes some time to complete.  However there are times where it takes forever. I waited about 1-2 minutes and it was still not done.  The node is fairly same too. The node itself and 4 children. The children don't have childrens.

    So is there a way to optimize or is there an alternative way/method of deleting nodes?


    Thank you,



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