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Postback on some nodes and not others?

Hi I was hoping that the webtree component could handle my requirements but I cannot see a solution, so I am hoping someone will be able to help me.

My requiremet is as follows.. my webtree will display addresses and each address will have mulitple contact nodes. I would like to have an address node called "Add address" on the same level as all other addresses which will redirect to another page on the server, or maybe generate a popup (not decided). I would also have another node under each address called "add contact" in the same vein. My issue is that there is one server event "nodeclick" which is always fired on a click BUT I dont want it to fire if an existing address node is clicked  (this should just expand/contract the clicked address).

So I guess what I am asking is is it possible to cancel the server side nodeclicked event for some nodes? Perhaps an event cancel in some client side event?

Many thanks for your help



  • 28464
    Verified Answer

    You can try the approach suggested in this online KB article -  HOWTO:How to prevent postback for certain nodes of a WebTree

    Basically the idea is to use the tree client-side object model and cancel the postback for certain node from a client-side event handler. More information and code samples can be found at the link above and in the CSOM UltraWebTree documentation. 


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