My UltraWebGrid is bound to a datatable that has date columns and double columns.
When populating the datatable I format the date in short date string and double columns in {0:n} - number format.
The values get formatted properly when I am populating the datatable. But when I bind the datatable to the grid - i loose all the formatting.
I get long date string values in my date columns and no formatting in my number columns.
For date - I explicitly browsed through all date columns of the grid and set its format to be "MM/DD/yyyy" but for number/double columns this is an issue - because sometimes there is no values for numbers in some of the rows. Same can happen for blank date cells also.
How can I overcome this issue where blank cell values are not formatted? Also - is there any way to preserve the datatable level formatting to be used in the grid - so that I dont have to do it at the grid level again.
Please help!