We have a display with WebCurrencyEdit fields and we perform calculations in Javascript on the input values. In the VB.NET code, we specify the Javascript function to call on ValueChange. This works in IE but not in Safari. If one of our users is using the Safari web browser, it appears that the event doesn't fire to call the JavaScript function to perform dynamic calculations.
I have read in the forums that Safari is not fully supported by Infragistics.
These are the three options I have been considering:
(1) replace the Infragistics controls with standard ASP controls
(2) download the latest Infragistics hotfix (if there are recent updates related to Safari support)
(3) write code to set the BrowserTarget on every control on the screen to DownLevel
What would be your recommendation?
Can you be more specific what exactly fails and what kind of calculations you perform?As far as I remember, WebTextEdit used to work in Safari same way as for all other major browsers.I tested following 'calculations' (set value for second editor in 1.5 times larger, than value in first editor) and they work in IE and Safari same way.
<script type="text/javascript">function WebCurrencyEdit1_ValueChange(oEdit, oldValue, oEvent){ var value = oEdit.getValue(); if(value != null) value *= 1.5; var edit2 = igedit_getById('<%=WebCurrencyEdit2.ClientID%>'); if(edit2) edit2.setValue(value);}</script><igtxt:WebCurrencyEdit ID="WebCurrencyEdit1" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents ValueChange="WebCurrencyEdit1_ValueChange" /></igtxt:WebCurrencyEdit><igtxt:WebCurrencyEdit ID="WebCurrencyEdit2" runat="server"></igtxt:WebCurrencyEdit>
Use our new ASP.NET AJAX editors that we shipped in 9.2. All of these editors are fully supported in Safari.
Let me know if you have any questions.