Okay, been using the webGrid control since 2006. My first foray into use a hierarchical table. Looking at that sample code for this example: http://samples.infragistics.com/2009.2/WebFeatureBrowser/Default.aspx, I've got pretty much the same thing set up in my sample page.
One question is why is there no register tag in the sample. In my page I just have my normal WebGrid regiter tag: <%@ Register TagPrefix="igtbl" Namespace="Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid" Assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v9.1, Version=9.1.20091.1015, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb" %>
Is this correct?
I can't find anything in the sample that I am not doing in my page. My page loads, but the grid is not hierarchical, It just looks like a normal web grid. I am however inside a master page, don't know it that is a problem
In my code behind I have this:
Protected Sub UG1_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UG1.dataBinding
Dim ConnStr As String = HWCSoft.CostAcctDataAccess.CostAcctDAL.cConnStr
Dim SqlStr As String = ""
Dim dataSource As String = Request.QueryString("DataSource").ToString.Trim
Dim camKey As String = Request.QueryString("CamKey").ToString.Trim
Dim dbId As String = HWCSoft.CostAcctDataAccess.CostAcctDAL.sqlGetDBID(dataSource)
SqlStr = String.Format("Exec GetPhaseIISummary {0}, {1}", dbId, camKey)
SqlHelper.FillDataset(ConnStr, CommandType.Text, SqlStr, ds, New String() {"dsGroup"})
SqlStr = String.Format("Exec GetPhaseIIDetails {0}, {1}", dbId, camKey)
SqlHelper.FillDataset(ConnStr, CommandType.Text, SqlStr, ds, New String() {"dsCdm"})
'Dim dRelGrp As New DataRelation("GroupIds", ds.Tables("dsGroup").Columns("GroupId"), ds.Tables("dsCdm").Columns("GroupId"), False)
ds.Relations.Add("GroupIds", ds.Tables("dsGroup").Columns("GroupId"), ds.Tables("dsCdm").Columns("GroupId"))
Me.UG1.DataSource = ds.Tables("dsGroup").DefaultView
Catch x As System.Exception
Dim s As String = x.Message
Dim m As String = s
End Try
End Sub