My grid is bound to an ObservableCollection that has 2 levels of data in it.
the grid is displaying properly but twhen I clink on the record Selector the event never fires.
I need to know which row is selected/Active to send back info to my ViewModel.
Is there a way to trun off the NestedDatadisplay (like the WPF grid). this would be Ideal but I can't find the corresponding property to do so.
perfect now I've got it as I need it
thank so much Stephen!!!!
On the RowSelectorSettings there is a property called EnableRowNumbering, just set it to false if you don't want row numbers.
As for the Expansion Indicator Column, you can follow the steps i gave you before, or you can go to ExpansionIndicatorSettings and set it's Visibility to collapsed.
got it, they are numbered by default? I'll have to do something about thta too LOL!
thanks Stephen, now I just need to hide the Expanders and I should be all set!
Right, that's b/c its still not the row selector, it is still an expansion indicator cell.
To turn on RowSelectors, you need to go to RowSelectorSettings and set Visibility to Visible.
that's correct the expansio indicator does not fire the event, but on rows whre there are no child collections attachec and that blue arrow does not show , the even still does not fire. I will look into these other suggested options