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UltraWebGrid styling problem.


I was screwing arround on a page where I had already a WebDataGrid implemented.

I placed an UltraWebGrid and through firebug I found out that the styles from ig_grid.css has been applied. As a standard I am using Claymation and I modify some properties to tailer it the way I would like to have it.

Now I have 2 strange things that are going on.

1. When I remove the WebDataGrid from the page, the UltraWebGrid looses the styles. With firebug I can see that the igtbl_ClaymationItem now for example is ig_434545. Why is this happening? And how can I keep the correct styling applied to the UltraWebGrid without the WebDataGrid on place.

2. When I perform a partial postback to alter the assigned dataset the ultrawebgrid looses the styles. Similar as above but the webdatagrid is in place.

Please help me, its driving me nuts.